Archive Summer 2021
21.07.2021 AT 12:30
Twisted supergravity, Koszul duality, and topological strings (1606.00365, 2001.02177)
Ingmar Saberi
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14.07.2021 AT 12:30
Islands and Page Curves in 4d from Type IIB (2105.00008)
Ioannis Lavdas
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07.07.2021 AT 12:30
Constraints from black hole evaporation in dS space: a reminder and an update (2106.07650)
Andriana Makridou
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30.06.2021 AT 12:30
Chronology protection conjecture, Gödel universe and string theory (1612.02069, gr-qc/9803048)
Davide de Biasio
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17.06.2021 AT 14:45
On the Lagrangian formulation of the double copy (2012.00713)
Chrysoula Markou
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16.06.2021 AT 12:30
Cosmological consequences of a principle of finite amplitudes (2102.05550)
Andreas Bischof
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09.06.2021 AT 12:30
On dual description of the deformed O(N) sigma model (1804.07084)
Thomas Raml
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26.05.2021 AT 12:30
Gravitational Effective Field Theory Islands, Low-Spin Dominance, and the Four-Graviton Amplitude (2103.12728)
Pouria Mazloumi
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19.05.2021 AT 12:30
Do geometric actions capture complexity in 2D CFTs? (2004.03619)
Saskia Demulder
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12.05.2021 AT 12:30
Of black hole shadows and hairs (2102.01703, 2103.11417 and 2102.07034)
Julio Mendez
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05.05.2021 AT 12:30
Non-Holomorphic Cycles and Non-BPS Black Branes (2104.06420)
Alessandra Gnecchi
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28.04.2021 AT 12:30
Boundary chiral algebras and holomorphic twists (2005.00083)
Pantelis Fragkos
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