Archive Summer 2018
11.07.2018 AT 12:30 - 11.07.2018 AT 13:30
De Sitter Space and the Swampland
Florian Wolf @ LMU
moreASC Theresienstraße 37 Room 449
04.07.2018 AT 12:30 - 04.07.2018 AT 13:30
Linear and Dual Programming: Computing the Minimal-Area Metrics for String Field Theory
Lorenz Schlechter @ MPI, arXiv:1806.00450 & 1806.00449
moreMax-Planck-Institut für Physik Föhriger Ring 6 Room 313
20.06.2018 AT 12:30 - 20.06.2018 AT 13:30
Exotic Branes in Exceptional Field Theory
Marc Syvari @ MPI, arXiv:1806.00430
moreMax-Planck-Institut für Physik Föhriger Ring 6 Room 313
13.06.2018 AT 12:30 - 13.06.2018 AT 13:30
T-dualities and enhanced gauge symmetries in string heterotic compactification
Fabrizio Cordonier @ LMU, arXiv:1805.1112
moreASC Theresienstraße 37 Room 449
06.06.2018 AT 12:30 - 06.06.2018 AT 13:30
Notes On Some Entanglement Properties Of Quantum Field Theory (Witten)
Robert Helling @ MPI, arXiv:1803.04993v4
moreMax-Planck-Institut für Physik Föhriger Ring 6 Room 313
23.05.2018 AT 12:30 - 23.05.2018 AT 13:30
String (field) theory without level matching
Harold Erbin @ MPI
moreMax-Planck-Institut für Physik Föhriger Ring 6 Room 313
16.05.2018 AT 12:30 - 16.05.2018 AT 13:30
GANs ubique clamant
Sven Krippendorf @ LMU, I will give a short overview on Generative Adversarial Networks and will describe their use for physical questions. One example from the literature is the generation of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation (1709.02432). I comment on technical difficulties and strategies to realize successful GANs.
moreASC Theresienstraße 37 Room 449
09.05.2018 AT 12:30 - 09.05.2018 AT 13:30
de Sitter from Strings?
Daniel Klaewer @ MPI
moreMax-Planck-Institut für Physik Föhriger Ring 6 Room 313
25.04.2018 AT 12:30 - 25.04.2018 AT 13:30
Biblioranking fundamental physics
Brage Gording @ LMU, arxiv:1803.10713
moreASC Theresienstraße 37 Room 449