Theoretical Solid State Physics

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We welcome our new members

Our department for Solid State Physics is a place where people are brought together and encouraged to think deeply about the unknown. We exist to generate new knowledge that helps to inform our understanding of the world in every possible dimension. There is such a sense of adventure and possibility in our work, and it is good to remember from time to time how fortunate we are to have the privilege of being here, of seeking satisfaction—of seeking joy—as we strive to make our contributions to knowledge and to humanity.

To those of you who are here for the first time, welcome. To those of you who are here for another year, welcome back—and thank you for helping to make this deparmtment the extraordinary place that it is. 

Marvin Römer

I am currently in the 5th semester of my physics bachelor's program at LMU. My HiWi project focuses on numerically evaluating the low energy states of the Ising model.

Paul Gorbach

I’m currently in the 6th semester of my physics bachelor’s program at LMU. In the course of my bachelor thesis, I’m investigating the spectral properties of the 1D Hubbard model.

Julia Bialk

I am currently in the 6th semester of my physics bachelor's program at LMU. My bachelor thesis will probably be "Ward Identities".

Pirmin Finkel

I am currently in the 6th semester of my physics bachelor's program at LMU. I will work in an internship on the topic "Application of TCI in density functional theory" until July.