Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Archive Winter Term 2014/2015

23.07.2014 AT 13:00 

12.08.2014 AT 15:00 

Quantum Effects in Nanomechanical Systems
Stefan Walter, Basel University

A450 - Theresienstr. 37

17.09.2014 AT 10:00 

17.10.2014 AT 09:00 

Real-time dynamics of lattice bosons from nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
Hugo Strand, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

B 046 - Theresienstr. 39

24.10.2014 AT 09:00 

Tensor network methods for lattice gauge theories
Luca Tagliacozzo, Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona

B 046 - Theresienstr. 39

31.10.2014 AT 09:00 

Dynamics in one dimension: from fractional excitations to new out-of-equilibrium states of matter
Jean-Sebastien Caux, University of Amsterdam

B 046 - Theresienstr. 39

06.11.2014 AT 12:00 

Quantum Zeno effect in a continuously monitored chain of qubits
Thomas Kiendl, Universität- Erlangen-Nürnberg

A 348, Theresienstr. 37

07.11.2014 AT 09:00 

Majorana chains at the crossroads: Creating stable p-wave superfluids in optical lattices
Gunnar Moeller, University of Cambridge

A 450 - Theresienstr. 37

11.11.2014 AT 09:00 

Topological superconducting phase in a helical Shiba chain
Leonid Glazman, Yale University

A 449 - Theresienstr. 37

14.11.2014 AT 09:00 

21.11.2014 AT 09:00 

Dynamics of photo-induced metallic states in correlated materials
Martin Eckstein, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg

A 450 - Theresienstr. 37

28.11.2014 AT 09:00 

Lattice gauge tensor networks
Simone Montangero, Ulm University

A 450 - Theresienstr. 37

05.12.2014 AT 09:00 

Long-range Coulomb interaction in surface systems: From cRPA to GW+DMFT
Philipp Hansmann, Centre de Physique Théorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

A 450 - Theresienstr. 37

12.12.2014 AT 09:00 

Detecting topological orders in numerical simulations
Frank Pollmann, MPIPKS Dresden

A 450 - Theresienstr. 37

18.12.2014 AT 11:00 

Anomalous pump-driven spectral transfer in 1D spin- full Mott Insulators
Adrian Feiguin, Northeastern University, Boston

H 206 - Schellingstr. 4