Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Dynamics in one dimension: from fractional excitations to new out-of-equilibrium states of matter

Jean-Sebastien Caux, University of Amsterdam

31.10.2014 at 09:00 

This talk will provide an introductory review of a number of integrability-based results on the dynamics of low-dimensional systems such as interacting atomic gases and quantum spin chains. In the equilibrium case, space- and time-dependent correlations will be considered. For out-of-equilibrium situations, a number of recent developments will be explained, including a new method for explicitly calculating the relaxation of observables after a quantum quench. Exact solutions to the interaction turn-on quench in the Lieb-Liniger model and to the Néel-to-XXZ quench in spin chains will be presented. Particular emphasis will be given to interesting open issues, including the failure of the (local) Generalized Gibbs Ensemble to properly describe post-quench steady-state properties.

B 046 - Theresienstr. 39