Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(09.07.) Celestial Amplitudes and Asymptotic Symmetries

Stephan Stieberger (MPI Munich)

09.07.2020 at 16:15

The celestial sphere is the target space for the proposal of flat space holography in which four-dimensional physics is encoded in two-dimensional celestial conformal field theory (CCFT).

After giving some motivations we introduce the concepts and tools of physics on the celestial sphere. We shall discuss the symmetries and properties of celestial amplitudes. By introducing the concept of soft theorems on the celestial sphere we shall give an explicit field realization of the operators generating superrotations and supertranslations. Equipped with these results we construct the full extended BMS Algebra of CCFT.

Finally, we elaborate on Sugawara constructions within the CCFT and find a new gauge–gravity connection on the celestial sphere.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center

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