Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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Simon Langenscheidt

PhD Student


Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180 - 4375

Personal Presentation

I'm a Munich local (*97) and completed Bachelor's (2019) and TMP master's (2022) studies at LMU and TUM. I held my background rather broad on purpose, but was always more drawn towards geometry/topology, field theories and gravitation in particular. Now I am a PhD student of Daniele's and looking into new degrees of freedom on the spatial corners of spacetimes, and particularly how they are required for consistent glueing of quantum systems into larger ones. This ties in with my interest in tensor network representations of connected quantum pregeometries, in terms of spin networks. In general, I am interested in seeing the scope of the degrees of freedom necessary for Geometrogenesis in Group field theory and other QG models, and what minimal setups could exist that produce the right physics.



  • Eugenia Colafranceschi,  Simon Langenscheidt and Daniele Oriti, Holographic properties of superposed spin [arXiv:2207.07625]