Archive Winter 2023/24
Microscopic origin of the entropy of black holes in general relativity (2212.02447)
Carmine Montella
Species Scale in Diverse Dimensions (2310.07213)
Antonia Paraskevopoulou
Bespoke dual resonance (2308.03833)
Ivano Basile
Why Do Axions Care About Non-Invertible Symmetries
Markus Dierigl
Non-standard axion electrodynamics and the dual Witten effect (2309.07951)
Aleksandar Gligovic
Gauging spacetime inversions in quantum gravity (2311.09978)
Christian Kneißl
Running Decompactification, Sliding Towers, and the Distance Conjecture (2306.16440)
Georgina Staudt
String Thermodynamics In and Out of Equilibrium: Boltzmann Equations and Random Walks (2310.11494)
Joaquin Aurelio Masias Teves
The bubble of nothing under T-duality (2312.09291)
Alvaro Herraez
Topological string at one loop
Peng Cheng
Flux vacua of the mirror octic (2310.06040)
Andreas Schachner