Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Finite Projected Entangled Pair States for the Hubbard model

Dr. Markus Scheb, Marburg University

15.12.2022 at 12:45 

We adapt and optimize the projected-pair-entangled-state algorithm on finite lattices (fPEPS) for two-dimensional Hubbard models and apply the algorithm to the Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor hopping on a square lattice. In particular, we formulate the PEPS algorithm using projected entangled pair operators, incorporate SU(2) symmetry in all tensor indices, and optimize the PEPS using both iterative-diagonalization-based local bond optimization and gradient-based optimization of the PEPS. We discuss the performance and convergence of the algorithm for the doped Hubbard model on lattice sizes of up to 8x8 for PEPS states with SU(2) symmetric bond dimensions of up to D=6.

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