Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Exotic Z2 symmetry breaking transitions in 2D correlated systems

Eun-Gook Moon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea

19.07.2018 at 14:00 

The Landau paradigm of phase transitions is one of the backbones in critical phenomena. With a Z2 symmetry, it describes the Ising universality class whose central charge is one half (c = 1/2) in two spatial dimensions (2D). Motivated by recent experiments in strongly correlated systems, which show possibilities beyond the Landau paradigm, we propose an exotic universality class of a Z2 symmetry breaking transition with c=1. We argue that controlling topological defects may realize the exotic class. In addition to novel critical exponents, we find that the onset of an order parameter may be super-linear in contrast to the sub-linear onset of the Ising class. We argue that a super-linear onset of a Z2 order parameter without breaking a bigger symmetry than Z2 is evidence of exotic phenomena, and our results are applied to recent experiments in phase transitions at pseudo-gap temperatures.

A 450, Theresienstr. 37