Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Moments and scaling functions in the thermodynamic limit

Ian McCulloch, University of Queensland, Brisbane

10.07.2018 at 09:00 

Finite-size scaling based around higher moments of order parameters is a well-established technique in many areas of computational science. The corresponding technique for infinite translationally-invariant tensor networks is known as finite-entanglement scaling, and I will show here that there are analagous results also for higher moments, including Binder cumulants and scaling function collapse.
In topolologically ordered systems, order parameters are non-local and I show that it is possible to extend the formalism to calculate higher moments and critical exponents of order parameters corresponding to quantities such as spatial reflection and time inversion, which give a precise characterization of symmetry-protected topological phase transitions.

A 449, Theresienstr. 37