Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Chiral spin-liquid with spinless cold atoms

Tigran Sedrakyan, Amherst, Massachusets University, USA

18.05.2018 at 09:00 

Lattices with continuously degenerate band structures are remarkable for their capacity to host rich physics. Examples include (i) lattices having moat-like bands, i.e., a band with infinitely degenerate energy minima attained along a closed line in the Brillouin zone, and (ii) flat-band lattices. It is entirely the effect of correlations which lifts this degeneracy and leads to an amazing variety of novel quantum many-body states. In this talk I will show that if a moat-band optical lattice
is populated with hard-core bosons, the degeneracy prevents their condensation at low densities. Such degeneracy of the kinetic energy favors a chiral spin-liquid state with anyonic quasiparticles, leading to statistical transmutation and topological order. The velocity distribution of the released gas of bosons is a sensitive probe of the chiral spin-liquid state.

A 450, Theresienstr. 37