Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Archive 2017

13.01.2017 AT 09:00 

Triplon Hall effect in the Shastry Sutherland material
Karlo Penc, Budapest University

A 450, Theresienstr. 37

20.01.2017 AT 09:00 

Bose Polarons
Luis A. Peña Ardila, University of Trento

A 450, Theresienstr. 37

25.01.2017 AT 14:00 

Approximation of Functionals of Hermitian Matrices represented as MPOs
Moritz August, Institut für Informatik, TU München

A 449, Theresienstr. 37

01.02.2017 AT 14:00 

Spin and charge pumping in optical superlattices
Christian Schweizer, LMU Munich

A 449, Theresienstr. 37

02.02.2017 AT 12:15 

Random tensor networks and holographic duality
Xiao-Liang Qi, Stanford, USA

A 450, Theresienstr. 37

03.02.2017 AT 09:00 

One-dimensional topological surface terminations
Ronny Thomale, University of Würzburg

A 450, Theresienstr. 37

08.02.2017 AT 14:00 

Spin transport of weakly disordered Heisenberg chain at infinite temperature
Ilia Khait, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

A 449, Theresienstr. 37

10.02.2017 AT 09:00 

TI: Green’s function and TDDFT treatments of lattice models out of equilibrium
Claudio Verdozzi, Lund University

A 450, Theresienstr. 37

22.02.2017 AT 15:00 

Peierls insulators and Luttinger liquids in atomic wires on substrates
Eric Jeckelmann, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leibniz Universität Hannover

A 449, Theresienstr. 37