Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Quantum Manybody Simulations at Finite Temperature: Thermal Tensor Network Approach

Bin-Bin Chen, Beihang University

29.08.2017 at 10:00 

In this talk, I will review some thermal renormalization group (RG) methods and introduce our recently developed thermal RG method, dubbed as ‘Series Expansion Thermal Tensor Network’ (SETTN). It will be shown that, getting rid of stochastic errors and the so-called Trotter errors, SETTN can achieve an extraordinary high accuracy and also save computational cost, comparing to traditional thermal RG methods. To tackle more difficult problems, such as frustrated J1-J2 spin chain, 2D systems, etc., some recent improvements of SETTN have been made, which will also be discussed in this talk.

A 318, Theresienstr. 37