Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Designing a symmetry protected molecular device

Adrian Feiguin, University of Wyoming

22.07.2011 at 10:15 

Realizing a quantum transistor built of molecules or quantum dots has been one of the most

ambitious challenges in nanotechnology.

Even though remarkable progress has been made, being able to gate and control nanometer

scale objects, as well to interconnect them to achieve scalability remains extremely difficult.

Most experiments concern a single quantum dot or molecule, and they are made at ultra low

temperature to avoid decoherence and tunnelling. We propose to use canonical transformations

to design quantum devices that are protected by symmetry, and therefore, may be operational at

high temperatures. We illustrate the idea with an example of a quantum transistor controlled by

a gate electrode in a three terminal setup. We consider the effects of interactions, and we find

that the same principles can be applied to design a device that could operate as an electrically

controlled spin qubit.


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