Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Dynamical Mean Field Theory and Numerical Renormalization Group

Katharina Stadler (LMU)

15.11.2012 at 12:00 

 The realistic description of strongly correlated materials, especially in three dimensions, is a big challenge in condensed matter-physics. As the strength of electron-electron interactions of these materials is comparable to or larger than the kinetic energy, perturbative methods cannot be applied. The Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) provides a non-perturbative many-body approach to strongly correlated systems. Within this framework one can map a lattice model onto a quantum impurity model in a self-consistent manner. This mapping is exact in the limit of infinite lattice coordination number, yet may be applied nevertheless in an approximative manner to three-dimensional systems. For quantum impurity models several non-perturbative methods exist, such as Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations or the Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) approach. In combination with band-structure calculations DMFT has proved to be a successful method for the investigation of strongly correlated materials. Nevertheless this technique has to be improved further to deal with increasingly complex systems. So we want to use the powerful NRG program of our group as an impurity solver in the framework of DMFT. In my talk i will give an introduction to the basic ideas of DMFT, explain how NRG is implemented within DMFT and present results for first consistency checks for the one-band Hubbard model.

B101 Theresienstraße 39