Theoretical Solid State Physics

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Anderson Localization - From 50 years of theory to modern state of the art experiments

Arvid Kingl (LMU)

18.01.2012 at 12:45 

In this review-talk, I will discuss the physics of the Anderson localization transition. Even though the theoretical basics exist for over 50 years, only recently experimentalists were able to confirm many of fundamental predictions made about the disorder driven transition from metal to insulator. These experiments include electrons in semiconductor  samples, cold atoms, classical sound waves, to name a few. In the talk, I will cover the basics of the theory of the Anderson localization, including scaling, multifractality, dynamical localization and groundbreaking theoretical developments which were made during the last decade. Simultaneously, I will review experimental findings that support the existing theory and provide theoreticians with new challenging questions.

A 449 Theresienstraße 37