Theoretical Solid State Physics

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DMRG-optimized NRG treatment of sub-ohmic spin-boson model

Cheng Guo (LMU)

16.11.2011 at 12:45 

The sub-ohmic spin-boson model exhibits an interesting and much-studied quantum phase transition from a delocalized phase at weak spin-bath coupling to a localized phase at strong coupling. Previous works using NRG to calculate the critical exponents of this model near the phase transition failed partly because it cannot deal with the large number of states per bath oscillator required to describe the localized phase. We show how this problem can be overcome by using DMRG to construct, for each site of the Wilson chain, an optimized boson basis containing only a small number of states, and using the resulting basis for standard NRG calculations. Our results are in good agreement with analytical predictions for this model. The approach presented here should be generalizable to other quantum impurity models with complex baths.

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