Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(25.01.) Alpha prime corrections to stringy BH thermodynamics

Matteo Zatti (IFT Madrid)

25.01.2024 at 16:15

I will report on the recent developments in the computation of first order alpha prime corrections to the thermodynamics of well-known families of black hole (BH) solutions of 10d Heterotic String Theory (HST). The prototypical example is the HST non-extremal generalization of the famous 3 charge, 5-dimensional BH considered by Strominger and Vafa. I will briefly review the setup (HST with first order alpha prime corrections) and the technique used to obtain the explicit analytical solution. I will then focus on the BH thermodynamics and discuss the necessity of extending Wald formalism to properly deal with the Chern-Simons terms appearing in the HST action and to obtain a first law of black home mechanics which include the electromagnetic potentials and the scalar charge. I will apply all this machinery to the electrically charged BHs considered by Chen, Maldacena and Witten in 2109.08563 and comment on independent methods that can be used in such setup to obtain the corrections to the thermodynamics. Finally, I will comment on the possibility of regularizing BHs with higher derivative corrections.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348
and via ZOOM