Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(18.01.) Gauge Gravity Duality in Low Dimensions — JT Gravity, Random Matrices and Beyond

Hans Jockers (Mainz U.)

18.01.2024 at 16:15

In this talk I will review the holographic duality between two-dimensional JT Gravity and a certain ensemble of quantum mechanical Hamiltonians realized in terms of a matrix model, as proposed by Saad-Shenker-Stanford. I discuss deformations of this correspondence that extend the original proposal. If time permits mention a related correspondence of a three-dimensional Chern-Simons Theory to an ensemble average of a certain class of two-dimensional conformal field theories. This talk is based on work together with Stefan Förste, Joshua Kames-King, Alexandros Kanargias, and Ida Zadeh.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348 via ZOOM