Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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(19.10.) Understanding the (Tower) Weak Gravity Conjecture

Alessandro Minnino (DESY)

19.10.2023 at 16:15

The tower Weak Gravity Conjecture predicts the existence of an infinite tower of super-extremal states in every direction of the charge lattice, so that the ordinary Weak Gravity Conjecture is preserved under dimensional reduction on a circle. In this talk, I will try to answer the following questions: In a theory of quantum gravity,

1) When is the tower really required for consistency with the Weak Gravity Conjecture of the compactified theory?
2) More generally, when is the Weak Gravity Conjecture expected to hold for massive particle states?

The results are based on an upcoming paper in collaborations with C. Cota, T. Weigand and M. Wiesner.

Arnold Sommerfeld Center Theresienstrasse 37
Room 348 via ZOOM