Theoretical Nanophysics

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Archive 2023

12.04.2023 AT 10:00 

12.04.23: Talk by Johannes Mitscherling "Quantum geometry of multiband systems with and without flat bands"
Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA

Room A 450

24.05.2023 AT 09:00 

24.05.23: Talk by Dr. Georg Rohringer "Green's functions for the theoretical description of strongly correlated electrons systems"
Arbeitsgruppenleiter Quantenfeldtheorie für korrelierte Vielteilchensysteme Universität Hamburg Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften

Theresienstr. 39 - B 133

20.07.2023 AT 09:00 

20.07.23: Special Condensed Matter Theory Seminar by Prof. Tai Kai Ng on A theoretical journey towards the anomalous metal state
Arbeitsgruppenleiter Quantenfeldtheorie für korrelierte Vielteilchensysteme Universität Hamburg Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften

Theresienstr. 37, Room 450

13.10.2023 AT 15:00 

13.10.23: Talk by Laura Classe "Competing orders in twisted bilayer graphene"
TUM/Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung Stuttgart

Theresienstr. 37 - A 450

24.11.2023 AT 09:00   -  24.11.2023 AT 10:00 
15.12.2023 AT 09:00 

15.12.23: Talk by Jin-Tao Jin "Multiple-Q Pair Density Wave in Proximity to a Nested Fermi Surface"
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Room A 450