Mathematical Physics and String Theory

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Patrick Fischer

Master Student

Work group

Quantum Gravity and Foundations of Physics Research Group

 I was born in Munich in 1998. I got my Bachelor degree in Physics under the supervision of Prof. Ivo Sachs at the LMU in 2020.

My Bachelor thesis considered conformal diagrams of gravitational waves (PP-Wave). During my project I got interested in the search for a theory of Quantum Gravity.

During my Master in Physics I studied different approaches such as String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity. Mostly the Group Field Theory (GFT) inspired me and therefore I ended up woring on my master thesis under the supervision of Daniele Oriti and Luca Marchetti. In my master project we analyse how super-horizion volume perturbation evolve in the GFT context and how they compare the other modified gravity theories.