Statistical and Biological Physics

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Hauptseminar: Soft Matter and Biological Physics (Prof. Erwin Frey)


  • Wednesday, 13:15 - 15:00
  • Theresienstr. 37, room 349, 3rd floor

Seminar Schedule:

Preliminary discussion: Wednesday (October, 25th), 13:15 - 14:45
Schedule of the talks (updated version, January, 24th) [pdf]

Topics of Seminar Talks:

  • Presentation of the topics [pdf]
  • special topic: Ig Nobelpreis - Wenn Schockwellen durch Nudeln rasen
    materials: press release [SZ]; press release [blogspot]; original work by B. Audoly and S. Neukirch [Article]

Seminar Talks:

  • Florian Thueroff, Melting and unzipping of DNA [pdf]
  • Benjamin Andrae, Critical phenomena on fractal lattices [pdf]
  • Benedicte Mengel, Brownian dynamics of DNA loop formation [pdf] [mpeg]
  • Christoph Weber, Simple models of protein folding and design [pdf]
  • Marcus Knopp, Simple Models of Gene Regulation [pdf]
  • Anna Melbinger, The totally asymmetric exclusion process [pdf]
  • Pia Cordsen, Molecular motors: noisy transport far from equilibrium
  • Bominik Schultz, Hypercycles and the origin of life
  • Jonas Cremer, The rock-paper-scissors game part II [pdf]
  • Jonas Krauss, Mikrofluidik

Please send the slides of your talk to Jonas Cremer so that they can be linked to this website.


Please consider the following constraints if writing your report:
  • 10-20 pages
  • written in English
  • discussion of the problem and the literature
  • detailed presentation of the calculations you made (if necessary parts of it in the appendix)

Additional hints

  • Beamerclass template - the documentclass [beamer] allows you to easily create high quality presentations. A full documentation is included in the beamer-package, accessible e.g. from the computers in the theoretical physics department: /usr/share/doc/latex-beamer/beameruserguide.pdf.gz
  • Literature: it is likely, that you have to change your proxy-configuration in order to access the articles, see tips of the LRZ

Sprechstunde Prof. Dr. Frey:

  • Fr 13.30 - 15 Uhr, Raum 335, Theresienstr. 37